Lesson Plan (Indonesia)

Prepared by:
Siti Rahma Hidayani Surbakti 

Name of The School    : Pangasinan State University Integrated School
Subject                         : English
Class                            : XII
Time                            : 60 Minutes
Skill                             : Reading skill
Main Material              : Literary Elements : Setting and Chracter

A.    Standard Competencies
-          Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related phenomena and eye-catching events.
-          Try, cultivate, and organize in concrete realm (using, parsing, stringing, modifying, and making) and abstract realm (writing, reading, counting, drawing and composing) as learned in school and other similar sources in point of view / theory.
B.     Basic Competencies and Indicators of Competency Achievement
Basic Competencies
Indicator of Competencies Achievment
1.1  Understand the social function 
of studying elements in literature
1.1.1        Observe the forms and example 
of setting and character.
1.1  Reading aloud the meaningful the function 
of setting and character
2.1.1        Identify the example of 
setting and character
C.    The objectives of Learning
               At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1.      know the types of elements in literature
2.      identify the setting in a story
3.      identify how many characters in every story 
D.    Materials
Literary Elements, Setting and Character
               Setting refers to the time, the geographical locations, and the general environment and 
circumstances that prevail in a narrative. The setting helps to establish the mood of a story.
Two types of setting:
·    Integral Setting: the setting is fully described in both time and place, usually found in historical fiction.
·    Backdrop Setting: the setting is vague and general, which helps to convey a universal, timeless tale. This type of setting is often found in folktales and simply sets the stage and the mood. For example, "long time ago and "once upon a time….”
the personality or part which an actor recreates, the mental, emotional and social qualities to distinguish one entity from another (people, animals, spirit, automatons, pieces of furniture, and other animated objects)
Types of Characters:
  • Protagonist (hero): the central figure with whom we usually sympathize or identify
  •  Antagonist (villain): the figure who opposes the protagonist and creates the conflict
  • Foil Character: the figure whose personality traits are the opposite of the main character’s. This is a supporting character and usually made to shine the protagonist.
  • Static or Flat Character : A character that remains the same.
  • Dynamic character : A character that changes in some important way.

Chaterine Lim, Little Ironies of Singapore
Catherine Lim Poh Imm (Chinese林宝音pinyinLín Bǎoyīn, born 21 March 1942) is a Singaporean fiction author known for writing about Singapore society and of themes of traditional Chinese culture. Hailed as the "doyenne of Singapore writers"
            This book is talking about the daily life of Singapore especially the modern life in Singapore on 1970s. this book became one of the Top 10 English Singapore Books at 2015. Little Ironies of Singapore is a collection of seventeen short stories by Chaterine Lim.
The contents of this book:
·         The Father
·         Paper
·         The Teacher
·         Miss Pereira
·         Lottery
·         Male Child
·         Properly Married
·         The Journey
·         Love
·         Eggs
·         The Marriage
·         Adeline Ng Ai Choo
·         The Chosen One
·         Monster
·         The Taximan's Story
·         The Jade Pendant
·         The Ugly One
One of the popular part from this story is The Teacher. it highlights the superficiality of an English teacher who pedantically focuses solely on his students’ language abilities – revolving around the grammar, structure, their essays – without comprehending the content. His oversight and insistence blinds him to a student’s indirect distress signals of trouble in her family, and coldly dismisses her ambitions and honest plans for the future. It sends a simple message of how teachers can – and should – assume the roles of educators and mentors for their students and kids.

E.     Learning Method
-          Question and answer
-          Discussion
F.     Media, Tools and Learning Resources
-          Summary of Novel by Chaterine Lim : Little Ironies of Singapore 
-          Laptop
-          Power point 
-          White board 
-          Mark 
-          https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/character 
-          http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~emchen/CLit/study_elements.htm 
-          http://www.homeofbob.com/literature/genre/fiction/ficElmnts.html 
-          https://kwanjinyao.com/2010/07/10/catherine-lim%E2%80%99s-little-ironies-stories-of-singapore/ 
-          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ironies:_Stories_of_Singapore 
-          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Lim 
-          https://openlibrary.org/authors/OL223734A/Catherine_Lim 
-          https://www.wattpad.com/41915274-the-story-of-the-sun-and-the-moon 
G.    Steps of learning activities
Introduction (5 minutes):
-          Say good manners and pray together before starting the lesson;
-          Ask for students' attendance;
-          Explain the learning objectives to be achieved or the material to be studied; and
-          Connect materials with the daily lives of students to gain students' understanding
Main activities
1.      Observing :
-    Display text related to setting and character; 
-    Guid students to be able to express what they have observed in the displayed text; and
-  Explain to students that what they have observed is an example of a recount text.
2.      Asked :
-          Before explaining the materials of literary elements, the teacher asks the students what they know 
about setting and character 
-          Ask students about their favorite movies
·         What is your favourite movie ? 
-    Ask students about the sumary of the movie  
·         What is the movie talking about ?
-    Ask students about the characters and the setting in the movie 
·         How many characters are there in the movie ? and where is the story of the movie took place ?
3.      Associating :
-       Teacher divides students into two groups
-       Students pay attention to the instruments of matter contained in the power point
-       Each group reads and identifies the stories that the teacher give 
-       Each group is asked to identify the setting and the characters of the story..
-       Each group can present their discussion results on the white board.
4.      Communicating (10 Minutes):
-          Provide confirmation of the work of learners
-          Answering questions about what the students do not know yet
-          Students ask questions straighten out misunderstandings, provide reinforcement and inferences.
Closing Activity (10 Minutes):
               In closing activities, teachers:
-          Together with learners and / or themselves make a summary / conclusion of the lesson.
-          Conduct assessment and / or reflection on activities that have been implemented consistently and programmed.
-          Provide positive feedback and reinforcement in the form of oral, written, gestures, or gifts to the success of students 
       during the learning process.
-          Plan follow-up activities in the form of learning in the form of tasks both individual and group tasks in accordance 
       with student learning outcomes.
-          Deliver the lesson plan at the next meeting.
-          Closing learning activities by praying together.
“Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe.”
               “ there once was a moon, as beautiful as can be, only the stars could fathom, but the sun could not see. The sun so radiant, he burns so bright. The moon so luminous, but only shows her face during the night. Wounded and raged, the sun cries and cries, so sad he hides from the skies hoping to see her. The days become dark, because the sun will not shine. The waves crash so harsh on the shoreline because there is a storm breaching on the inside. If the sun couldn’t see the moon, he would find another way to display his love. While the sun was thinking, the moon was astray. You see..the moon loves the sun so much, that when he is away, she chooses not to take a single breath, because not seeing him today, is a pain worse than death. the sun can not see but he can hear, he can feel her soul and it soon became clear. The sun would die each and every night to let his true love breathe, for it would put an end to all her misery. ”

The setting of the story :
-          In the Galaxy
-          Night
The characters in the story:
-          Sun and moon
The moral value:
-          Loves will find it’s way


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